A new business model is appearing at the horizon. This offers major changes to the advantage of a highly flexible network solution, where services will be set up and made live with unparalleled speed. Boosting time to service and revenue generation for the operators as never before. Although this model will impact transport only in a while, product readiness are already at hand. SIAE MICROELETTRONICA is committed and supporting the development of this model cooperating with operators to drive SDN to a realty.
The Software Defined Networks (SDN) model offers a different networks, aiming to a “service centric” approach where the network is instrumental to the service delivery. Centralization of control plane functionalities in common controllers and orchestrators allow for this flexibility. SDN represents a great opportunity for operators to free themselves from the incumbency of a technology or dominant vendor, thanks to the promise of a real multi-vendor and multi-layer interworking paradigm.
Our SDN solution
SDN represents a revolutionary technology for smoothly transforming several transport networks into a single end-to-end fully automated network. SDN controller eliminates the dependencies generated by proprietary network management systems, resulting in fostering the right environment for real multivendor solution.
A centralised entity, an SDN controller, communicates with network elements, applications and higher hieratical layers using standard info-models and interfaces. In this way an operator can program, control and manage network resources directly, facilitating all the operations involved from design to network operation, exploiting the best of breed of each layer or technology involved.

Network Element
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA SM-OS based microwave radio platforms are natively supporting the SDN protocols, infomodels and architecture, facilitating the introduction of SDN environment. (Read Aricent and SIAE MICROELETTRONICA SM-OS PR) [SM-OS based equipment includes: AGS20, ALFOplus2, ALFOplus80HDX]
With the use of an SDN mediator, existing SNMP elements can also be interfaced to an SDN controller, protecting the investments already made in the current deployed networks. (Read Telefonica and SIAE MICROELETTRONICA iVeritas PR) [SNMP based equipment: ALS family, ALFOplus and TL].
SDN Applications
SDN applications represent a strong asset for operators to address the whole network indistinctively of the hardware and vendors. SIAE MICROELETTRONICA as a specialist in microwave radio technology has developed a set of applications to specifically address the microwave radio network in its completeness offering therefore to the operator the extra tools to evaluate, understand and react to the network behaviour pushing optimization and performances to a new level. (Read Telefonica and SIAE MICROELETTRONICA iVeritas PR).Our work with ONF
SIAE MICROELETTRONICA believes in the SDN paradigm and in the value it brings in the transport network. As a member of the Open Network Foundation - ONF - has lead as chairman the wireless transport working group to the definition of the Microwave Information Model TR-532 (read more at ONF website) on the microwave radio characteristics.
The ONF has completed several Proof of Concept, and SIAE MICROELETTRONICA has cooperated in these to a successful end. Read the ONF PR on the first proof of concept completion. More information on the ONF proof of concept at https://www.opennetworking.org/