
Explainable Artificial Intelligence in communication networks: A use case for failure identification in microwave networks
Aarticle on applying #XAI (eXaplainable Artificial Intelligence) authored by Politecnico di Milano in collaboration with SIAE MICROELETTRONICA.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has demonstrated superhuman capabilities in solving a significant number of tasks, leading to widespread industrial adoption. For in-field network-management application, AI-based solutions, however, have often risen skepticism among practitioners as their internal reasoning is not exposed and their decisions cannot be easily explained, preventing humans from trusting and even understanding them. To address this shortcoming, a new area in AI, called Explainable AI (XAI), is attracting the attention of both academic and industrial researchers.

Fiber vs. Microwave-based 5G Transport: a Total Cost of Ownership Analysis
The paper compares the techno-economic performance of fiber and microwave-based 5G transport deployments using vendor’s inventories and real-life field deployment scenarios.

A mmWave Power Booster for Long-Reach 5G Wireless Transport
A mmWave power booster enables increased output power by more than 10 dB, providing considerable improvement in link availability and maximum reachable distance (up to 5x current link lengths at E-Band)

AI Unlocks Data Produced by Wireless Backhaul Networks
Techical article about how AI can unlocked the hidden knowledge in the vast amount of data in backhaul networks, making it available for troubleshooting and to improve network performance.

A Steering Antenna for Long-Reach mmWave XHaul Links
In this technical article we describe an E-Band Steering Antenna prototype for Long-Reach mmWave Links, inclusive of a field trial data analysis.

AI/ML-driven applications for 5G - backhaul behaviour predictions
In this technical article we explore why and how mobile backhaul generates big-data and how we can train an Artificial Neural Network to correlate this vast data to offer ready to use highly valuable informations. The article concludes with a business case analysis.